Selasa, 3 Ogos 2021


Assalamulaikum and good morning everyone. How are you?
Today, everyone will learn about UNIT 6 :  ELECTRIC. 

For today's lesson you need to understand 
  • Electrical Component ( Komponen Elektrik)
Let's watch this video.
Electrical Component

Thank you for watching this video. 
Now, let's do some practice on what you have seen in the video. 


1. Do exercise in Science Activity Book page 45 and 46.
Buat latihan dalam Buku Aktiviti Sains mukasurat 45 dan 46.

2. You can refer to the Textbook page 73- 75.
Kamu boleh rujuk Buku Teks mukasurat 73 - 75.

3. Refer to answer guided in the picture below.
Rujuk panduan menjawab dalam gambar dibawah

Panduan disediakan dalam versi DLP dan BM. 



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